Ini lah perjalanan diriku dalam dalam Maya... Minat ku dalam Blogging semakin mendalam maka aku ingin merakamkan kesemua pengalaman diri ku dalam Blog ini. Semoga perjalanan yang penuh liku ini dapat ku tempuhi dan berjaya mengatasi nya...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Telekom Malaysia Berhad’s (TM) High Speed Broadband (HSBB) service, UniFi, has proven to be a huge success since its soft launch on 24 March last year; beating TM’s internal take-up estimates.
To date, the number of UniFi customers nationwide has rapidly grown to 60,000, from 33,000 at the end of 2010, and within the first three months of 2011. UniFi is currently available at 61 exchange areas with close to 800,000 premises passed. The areas include the 53 in the Inner Klang Valley as well Nusajaya in Iskandar Malaysia and industrial areas around the country including 3 in Penang and 1 in Kedah; 2 in Johor and 2 in Selangor.
Personally, I have subscribed VIP10 and so far I am satisfied with the quality.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4
To date, the number of UniFi customers nationwide has rapidly grown to 60,000, from 33,000 at the end of 2010, and within the first three months of 2011. UniFi is currently available at 61 exchange areas with close to 800,000 premises passed. The areas include the 53 in the Inner Klang Valley as well Nusajaya in Iskandar Malaysia and industrial areas around the country including 3 in Penang and 1 in Kedah; 2 in Johor and 2 in Selangor.
Personally, I have subscribed VIP10 and so far I am satisfied with the quality.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Kenapa Aku Minat Semula Menggunakan iPad
- Siapa yang pada mula nya tergila-gila untuk membeli iPad akan merasakan kebosanan atau semakin kurang menggunakan nya selepas beberapa bulan.
- Aku yang pada mula nya begitu bersungguh-sungguh menggunakan iPad dengan berbagai cara masih juga tidak dapat bertahan.
- Tapi semenjak aku menggunakan Twitter, aku terasa seolah-olah "information overload" dan tidak sempat untuk membaca kesemua Tweets - lebih2 lagi apabila Tweet tersebut mempunyai URL.
- Tetapi aku rasakan ada satu aplikasi "penyelamat" yakni "Flipboard". Flipboard ialah Digital Newspaper era baru.
- Oleh kerana Followers boleh dikategorikan, maka Kategori tersebut boleh di jadikan "Digital Newspaper". Sila lihat foto2 di bawah...

- Ini menjadikan penggunaan iPad mendapat "nafas baru".
- Ia memudahkan diriku untuk membaca Tweets seperti sebuah akhbar. Apatah lagi apabila Tweets tersebut mempunyai link URL yang mempunyai maklumat yang menarik.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hobbit in 5 - John Howe's Smaug, Orlando Bloom, and Your Questions
Filem Hobbit akan menjadi Filem yang akan di tunggu selepas kejayaan filem "Lord of The Rings". Filem Hobbit ini juga akan di siarkan dalam 2 siri. Website TheOneRing.Net akan di jadikan website pilihan.
The Hobbit Blog akan menjadi Blog pilihan ku. Mana kan tidak, Filem LOTR ada lah menjadi sumber inspirasi aku di Alam Maya apabila nama "Edoras" di ambil.
Adakah Hobbit juga menjadi pilihan anda? Sila tunggu tahun 2013!
Adakah Hobbit juga menjadi pilihan anda? Sila tunggu tahun 2013!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Twitter, Facebook dan Blog - Penghubung Ilmu Pengetahuan
Guna Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook dan Blog) Bagi Menyampaikan Maklumat

- Apa guna ilmu jika ia tidak disampaikan? Apa guna ilmu jika tiada siapa yang bermanafaat dengan nya? Apa guna ilmu jika hanya orang tertentu sahaja yang dapat mendengar? Apa guna ilmu jika semua itu di simpan dalam otak kita dan tidak di gunakan sebaik-baiknya selepas kita tiada lagi di dunia ini?
- Itu lah yang aku fikirkan selama ini... Dan aku ingin mengubah kan segalanya. Biarlah pengalaman didalam kehidupan dan pekerjaan ku dapat di kongsi bersama dan di munafaat kan oleh sesiapa yang berkenaan.
- Aku pasti dalam setiap kehidupan seseorang, banyak pengalaman dan liku hidup mereka boleh di jadikan panduan. Bukan kah begitu Allah menjadi kan kita sebagai Khalifah di muka bumi ini?
- 20-30 tahun dahulu di waktu Internet tidak wujud, adalah sesuatu yang amat sukar untuk kita mendapatkan maklumat tetapi di zaman ini semua nya telah bertukar.
- Apatah lagi apabila Social Networking seperti Facebook, Twitter, Blog dll menjadi satu alat yang begitu penting dalam menyibarkan berita dan ilmu pengetahuan.
- Aku bertekad untuk menggunakan kesemua teknologi Sosial Media ini untuk kebaikan bersama.
- Blog “Antara Alam Maya” merupakan tempat untuk bertemu dengan komuniti siber atau yang di gelar “Netizen”.
- Dan kebanyakan “Netizen” ini adalah dari Generasi X dan Y. Aku tidak pasti samada Generasi “Baby Boomer” melihat Internet ini sebagai alat yang berguna atau menyusahkan mereka..
My Gadget Blog - Rupa Baru....
My Gadget Blog mempunyai rekabentuk Banner baru hari ini...
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mega Earthquake and Tsunami Japan - Credit Article by Avi Abrams
Mega Earthquake and Tsunami
By Avi Abrams
With another huge wake-up call earthquake (and continuing swarm of smaller quakes) in Japan, we feel we should cover this kind of apocalyptic natural disasters more broadly, as well as raise awareness about horrific conditions for people in North Japan right now.

(a house drifts the ocean after being swept away by tsunami, image via)
Thousands of people are left without shelter and means of transportation in the wake of combined earthquake/tsunami disaster - in freezing cold, with dwindling supplies (many stores display empty shelves, which is quite an unusual sight for Japan). Please keep Northern Japan in your thoughts, and help by donating through a respectable company - Google - at this link.

(images via)
The earthquake in Japan was so strong (the fifth strongest since 1900) that it even sped up the Earth's rotation by 1.6 microseconds, causing a day to get slightly shorter - more info
And the earthquakes continue in this "Ring of Fire" zone. It almost became a non-event to feel 6.0 aftershocks in Japan today... However, remember that a 9.0 earthquake is 1,000 times worse than a 6.0 scale earthquake - the Richter Scale is logarithmic.

(images via)
Historic Shakings
The aftermath of the 1964 quake and tsunami in Alaska (shown here is 4th Avenue in Anchorage):

(images via)
The aftermath of the Great San Francisco Earthquake in 1906:

(photo via 1937 issue of LIFE Magazine)
Mega-size earthquakes usually happen when the ocean tectonic plate slips under the continental plate (in a process called "subduction") and catches there: the gradual movement of plates is then stopped (plates are locked together) and a huge amount of energy starts accumulating, resulting in a sudden release and a minimum 8.0 mega-quake.

(image via)
Here is an interesting graphic showing correlation between the motion of plates and releases of pressure, leading to major earthquakes:

Building codes are paramount
Compared to building standards in Japan, Canadian cities like Vancouver and Montreal (built on some of the most earthquake-prone areas in Canada) definitely have a problem. In case of similar disaster scenario, most of the older buildings will crumble... and newer buildings may not fare much better.
Even in modern Vancouver current building standards are only meant to withstand a 6.0 earthquake, definitely not a 9.0 mega-quake. What's more, Vancouver airport and Richmond would be entirely covered by water in case of a tsunami, making rescue operations difficult - source.

All these concerns are quite troubling, as the subduction zone near Vancouver Island is due to produce a mega-quake similar to the Japanese one some time in the future - these quakes happen on average once in 300-500 years, and the last one was about 300 years ago, recorded by the aboriginal tribes of the Pacific Northwest.
Some photos of earthquakes in China, Afghanistan and Chile:

(images via)
Earthquake damage in Beichuan, China... see more here (warning: graphic images!) -

(image via)
The effects of ground "liquefaction", when the soil becomes almost fluid and bucks up in waves (you can see this effect spectacularly shown in the 2012 movie earthquake sequence):

(images via)
Roads Turning into a Roller Coaster
Upswelling makes for a bumpy ride:

Going into the cracks after New Zealand earthquake in 2010:

(image via)
This road was "unzipped" by recent Japan earthquake (producing almost a meter of displacement):

(image via)
After the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan:

(image via)
Now this unique paving pattern was not caused by any earthquakes - but it did create an interesting urban landscape:

(original unknown)
Don't blame this on an earthquake, either - this is a collapsed coal mine in Victoria, Australia:

(image via)
Tsunami is not over in an instant... it just keeps coming, and coming...
This is the strangest thing about this calamity: it just builds in strength - at first the amount of water seems almost insignificant and comparable to river flood. But then more and more water arrives, and it gathers strength: consider that one cubic meter of water weighs 1,000 kilograms, or one tonne (a metric ton)! Such force is going to sweep everything in its path, making escape in a car or on a building rooftop quite questionable.

(image via)
Here are some simulations of a tsunami from various Japanese movies: they all show a huge frontal wave... in reality though, the tall front can be absent and instead - an unstoppable mass of water surges along the ground. Black, full of debris, some of which is set on fire.

(simulation of a nightmare tsunami, from Japanese & Korean movies)
There is never one single wave either. Helicopter footage clearly shows row after row of deadly waves.

(images via)
Check out this huge maelstrom in the wake of tsunami... note how it dwarfs a boat near its center:

(image via)
See "before" and "after" aerial photos of the affected areas here. Also, perhaps the most harrowing videos of tsunami are collected on this page.
Yellowstone Time Bomb
Sometimes an earthquake swarm can signify a much worse development, like a full-scale eruption of a volcano. The recent investigation into the earthquake swarms at Yellowstone - see here - paints a picture of magma chamber unrest and significant ground-swelling, which may or may not lead to a Supervolcano explosion in a few hundred years.

(image via)
Combined with the Cascadia Subduction Zone proximity, all this makes life in the American (and Canadian) Northwest very interesting.

Canine Earthquake Rescue Jacket
"Daschunds, the breed, was created to crawl through rabbit holes to chase out rabbits and groundhogs, but their size and shape makes them useful to crawl through rubble and collapsed buildings and locate victims... and bring them a small bit of food while they wait for rescuers to lift debris and rescue them"
By Avi Abrams
With another huge wake-up call earthquake (and continuing swarm of smaller quakes) in Japan, we feel we should cover this kind of apocalyptic natural disasters more broadly, as well as raise awareness about horrific conditions for people in North Japan right now.
(a house drifts the ocean after being swept away by tsunami, image via)
Thousands of people are left without shelter and means of transportation in the wake of combined earthquake/tsunami disaster - in freezing cold, with dwindling supplies (many stores display empty shelves, which is quite an unusual sight for Japan). Please keep Northern Japan in your thoughts, and help by donating through a respectable company - Google - at this link.
(images via)
The earthquake in Japan was so strong (the fifth strongest since 1900) that it even sped up the Earth's rotation by 1.6 microseconds, causing a day to get slightly shorter - more info
And the earthquakes continue in this "Ring of Fire" zone. It almost became a non-event to feel 6.0 aftershocks in Japan today... However, remember that a 9.0 earthquake is 1,000 times worse than a 6.0 scale earthquake - the Richter Scale is logarithmic.
(images via)
Historic Shakings
The aftermath of the 1964 quake and tsunami in Alaska (shown here is 4th Avenue in Anchorage):
(images via)
The aftermath of the Great San Francisco Earthquake in 1906:
(photo via 1937 issue of LIFE Magazine)
Mega-size earthquakes usually happen when the ocean tectonic plate slips under the continental plate (in a process called "subduction") and catches there: the gradual movement of plates is then stopped (plates are locked together) and a huge amount of energy starts accumulating, resulting in a sudden release and a minimum 8.0 mega-quake.
(image via)
Here is an interesting graphic showing correlation between the motion of plates and releases of pressure, leading to major earthquakes:
Building codes are paramount
Compared to building standards in Japan, Canadian cities like Vancouver and Montreal (built on some of the most earthquake-prone areas in Canada) definitely have a problem. In case of similar disaster scenario, most of the older buildings will crumble... and newer buildings may not fare much better.
Even in modern Vancouver current building standards are only meant to withstand a 6.0 earthquake, definitely not a 9.0 mega-quake. What's more, Vancouver airport and Richmond would be entirely covered by water in case of a tsunami, making rescue operations difficult - source.
All these concerns are quite troubling, as the subduction zone near Vancouver Island is due to produce a mega-quake similar to the Japanese one some time in the future - these quakes happen on average once in 300-500 years, and the last one was about 300 years ago, recorded by the aboriginal tribes of the Pacific Northwest.
Some photos of earthquakes in China, Afghanistan and Chile:
(images via)
Earthquake damage in Beichuan, China... see more here (warning: graphic images!) -
(image via)
The effects of ground "liquefaction", when the soil becomes almost fluid and bucks up in waves (you can see this effect spectacularly shown in the 2012 movie earthquake sequence):
(images via)
Roads Turning into a Roller Coaster
Upswelling makes for a bumpy ride:
Going into the cracks after New Zealand earthquake in 2010:
(image via)
This road was "unzipped" by recent Japan earthquake (producing almost a meter of displacement):
(image via)
After the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan:
(image via)
Now this unique paving pattern was not caused by any earthquakes - but it did create an interesting urban landscape:
(original unknown)
Don't blame this on an earthquake, either - this is a collapsed coal mine in Victoria, Australia:
(image via)
Tsunami is not over in an instant... it just keeps coming, and coming...
This is the strangest thing about this calamity: it just builds in strength - at first the amount of water seems almost insignificant and comparable to river flood. But then more and more water arrives, and it gathers strength: consider that one cubic meter of water weighs 1,000 kilograms, or one tonne (a metric ton)! Such force is going to sweep everything in its path, making escape in a car or on a building rooftop quite questionable.
(image via)
Here are some simulations of a tsunami from various Japanese movies: they all show a huge frontal wave... in reality though, the tall front can be absent and instead - an unstoppable mass of water surges along the ground. Black, full of debris, some of which is set on fire.
(simulation of a nightmare tsunami, from Japanese & Korean movies)
There is never one single wave either. Helicopter footage clearly shows row after row of deadly waves.
(images via)
Check out this huge maelstrom in the wake of tsunami... note how it dwarfs a boat near its center:
(image via)
See "before" and "after" aerial photos of the affected areas here. Also, perhaps the most harrowing videos of tsunami are collected on this page.
Yellowstone Time Bomb
Sometimes an earthquake swarm can signify a much worse development, like a full-scale eruption of a volcano. The recent investigation into the earthquake swarms at Yellowstone - see here - paints a picture of magma chamber unrest and significant ground-swelling, which may or may not lead to a Supervolcano explosion in a few hundred years.
(image via)
Combined with the Cascadia Subduction Zone proximity, all this makes life in the American (and Canadian) Northwest very interesting.
Canine Earthquake Rescue Jacket
"Daschunds, the breed, was created to crawl through rabbit holes to chase out rabbits and groundhogs, but their size and shape makes them useful to crawl through rubble and collapsed buildings and locate victims... and bring them a small bit of food while they wait for rescuers to lift debris and rescue them"
Monday, March 14, 2011
Alexa Ranking Meningkat untuk Blog My Gadget
Pada suatu ketika Blog My Gadget mempunyai ranking 2,364,895 dalam dunia tetapi selepas bertungkus lumus hampiur sebulan untuk mendapatkan tarikan para pengunjung web maka hari ini (hampir sebulan), ranking Alexa untuk My Gadget sudah berubah kepada 1,882,371.
Aku cuba pula melihat bagaimana ranking Blog “Antara Alam Maya” yang hanya baru berjinak dalam masa sebulan ini. Tentulah agak jauh berbanding dengan Blog yang dah lama wujud!
Aku cuba pula melihat bagaimana ranking Blog “Antara Alam Maya” yang hanya baru berjinak dalam masa sebulan ini. Tentulah agak jauh berbanding dengan Blog yang dah lama wujud!
5 Topik Trending Twitter Yg Ku Minati
Terdapat beberapa Topik yang hangat yang ku ikuti untuk mendapatkan perkembangan terkini.
(1) #Jailbreak - Untuk mendapatkan perkembangan terkini Jailbreak iOS 4.3

(2) #allengland - Semalam Dato' Lee Chong Wei bertemu dengan Lin Dan dalam perlawanan akhir All England. Dato LCW menang 21-17 dan 21-17 dalam straight set!

(3) #tsunami - Perkembangan malapetaka gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Jepun.

(4) #untethered - Solution yang ada sekarang adalah dari Sn0wbreeze tetapi masih lagi tethered.

(5) #kltu - Cara mudah untuk mengetahui jalan raya mana yang selalu sesak!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4
(1) #Jailbreak - Untuk mendapatkan perkembangan terkini Jailbreak iOS 4.3

(2) #allengland - Semalam Dato' Lee Chong Wei bertemu dengan Lin Dan dalam perlawanan akhir All England. Dato LCW menang 21-17 dan 21-17 dalam straight set!

(3) #tsunami - Perkembangan malapetaka gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Jepun.

(4) #untethered - Solution yang ada sekarang adalah dari Sn0wbreeze tetapi masih lagi tethered.

(5) #kltu - Cara mudah untuk mengetahui jalan raya mana yang selalu sesak!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4

Sunday, March 13, 2011
5 SEBAB - Aku Dapat Elak Kesesakan Lalulintas Setiap Hari
Kuala Lumpur memang di kenali dengan kesesakan lalulintas. Aku pernah menulis Blog mengenai 5 Sebab Kesesakan Trafik di KL Tidak Boleh Di Selesaikan. Oleh itu, kita perlu mencari cara lain untuk menyelesaikan masaalah ini.
Aku menggunakan 5 Cara:-
- Bertolak awal pagi. Aku cuba keluar dari rumah pukul 6.30-6.45 pagi supaya berjaya melepasi kesesakan yang selalu berlaku depan Ampang Jaya (MRR2).
- Keluar lebih awal dan elak kan MRR2 apabila hujan lebat.
- Elak waktu sibuk iaitu 7.00 - 8.00 pagi atau 6.00ptg-7.00ptg
- Guna jalan yg lebih jauh yang kurang sesak.
- Kerja dari rumah. Aku berharap satu hari nanti aku tak perlu berkejar2 keluar kepejabat tetapi dapat mengikut masa tersendiri. Entah bila ini boleh aku lakukan. ;-)
Tambahan TIP - Guna Aplikasi Waze. Ia adalah aplikasi yang boleh memberitahu kesesakan lalulintas di jalanraya.
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Subscribe to "My Travelogue": us on "My Travelogue" Facebook: to "My Gadget": us on "My Gadget" Facebook: is on My Gadget Blog: me on Google+ :
Saturday, March 12, 2011
5 SEBAB - Kenapa Kita Tidak Perlu Bosan Dalam Kesesakan Lalulintas
Apakah yang perlu kita lakukan apabila terperangkap dalam kesesakan lalulintas seperti yang selalu berlaku di Kuala Lumpur. Kadang kala perjalanan yang boleh mengambil masa 30 minit akan menjadi 60-90 minit. Begitu lah setiap hari warga KL akan mengharungi perjalanan hidup mereka dengan penuh tekanan.
Bagi diri ku, iPhone menjadi teman dan berikut adalah aplikasi iPhone yang amat berguna untuk menemani diri ku dan menghiburkan hati ku dalam “jem batu” ini..
Antara nya:-
Bagi diri ku, iPhone menjadi teman dan berikut adalah aplikasi iPhone yang amat berguna untuk menemani diri ku dan menghiburkan hati ku dalam “jem batu” ini..
Antara nya:-
- TwitBird Pro - boleh mendapatkan Tweets dari kawan2 serta membaca Tweets dari #kltu yang memberi status mengenai jalan mana yg jsesak
- What’s App - Apabila dalam Group Chat, ia dapat menghiburkan diri ku bersama teman2. Chatting sambil update lokasi dan posting foto2...
- FourSquare - Check in di beberapa tempat semasa sesak.
- Facebook - Membaca status teman2 atau pun melepaskan emosi yg tertekan dalam “jem batu”
- Soundhound - Menganalisa dan mengecam lagu2 yang di mainkan dalam Radio.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
5 SEBAB - Kenapa Kesesakan Trafik di Jalan Raya Kuala Lumpur Tidak Boleh Di Selesaikan
Adalah malang apabila kerajaan bersungguh2 untuk melaksanakan beberapa agenda untuk melebarjalurkan Malaysia (Broadband Internet). Kita mungkin boleh berbangga dengan pencapaian lebih 50% lebar jalur tetapi lihatlah keadaan sebenar trafik di jalan raya KL...!
Setiap hari warga KL akan sentiasa mengharungi kesesakan yang semakin bertambah di Kuala Lumpur. Ini dah tentu membuang masa dan mengurangkan produktiviti kita. Ia turut menjadi salah satu sebab kita tidak dapat “quality time” (masa kualiti) bersama keluarga. Apa tidak nya apabila setiap hari kita keluar sebelum pukul 7.00 pagi dan balik selepas 7 malam. Bila masa kita boleh berehat dirumah bersama keluarga kita? Apa yang merungsingkan ialah apabila kesesakan ini tidak berkurangan... Malahan lebih teruk lagi apabila ada kemalangan atau hujan lebat.

Berikut adalah sebab2 kenapa kesesakan melampau ini tidak boleh di atasi.
Setiap hari warga KL akan sentiasa mengharungi kesesakan yang semakin bertambah di Kuala Lumpur. Ini dah tentu membuang masa dan mengurangkan produktiviti kita. Ia turut menjadi salah satu sebab kita tidak dapat “quality time” (masa kualiti) bersama keluarga. Apa tidak nya apabila setiap hari kita keluar sebelum pukul 7.00 pagi dan balik selepas 7 malam. Bila masa kita boleh berehat dirumah bersama keluarga kita? Apa yang merungsingkan ialah apabila kesesakan ini tidak berkurangan... Malahan lebih teruk lagi apabila ada kemalangan atau hujan lebat.
Berikut adalah sebab2 kenapa kesesakan melampau ini tidak boleh di atasi.
- Peningkatan jumlah kereta di atas jalan raya. Seolah2 menunjukkan warga KL mampu membeli kereta! Lihat lah keadaan sekarang dimana seisi rumah mempunyai paling kurang 2 buah kereta.
- Warga KL tidak mahu “car pool” tetapi memandu secara sendirian.
- LRT/MRT/KTM atau pengangkutan am yang tidak mencukupi. Ini ditambah dengan keadaan trafik yang sesak menyebabkan waktu perjalanan tidak boleh di tepati. Satu sebab mengapa warga KL bimbang untuk menaiki bas.
- Pembinaan jalan raya yang baru tidak sistematik. Kadangkala jalan yang sama akan di korek beberapa kali oleh pihak berkenaan (TM, Air, TNB dll). Dan setiap kali dikorek, ia akan memakan laluan yang besar sehingga jalan yang besar menjadi sempit.
- Pembinaan tapak kawasan rumah baru yang semakin menjadi-jadi dalam kawasan KL. Ini menambahkan lagi penduduk di dalam KL.
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