Kadangkala aku merasakan agak susah untuk mencurahkan idea menjadi penulisan. Di dalam kepala bermacam2 benda yang nak dicerita tetapi masih juga berkesampaian untuk meluahkan kesemuanya dalam bentuk Blog. Mengapa? Aku pun tak tahu bagaimana untuk mengatasi nya.
Aku terjumpa artikel yang menarik untuk tatapan bersama.
Here Are The Top 7 Writing Tips For Daily Bloggers
Tip#1 is to stay clear with your topic of choice for every blog post. Nothing’s worse than having your readers ask “where is this going?” dead-smack in the middle of the post.
Tip#2 is to understand “Message To Market”. If your target market are beginners, don’t start writing about higher conversion rate on sales pages when they can’t even set up a domain with hosting.
Tip#3 is to create ‘Scannable Content’ just like this one. This helps your readers get the most out of an article even if they just skim through to get the best points.
Tip#4 is to Bold, Italics, CAPS and Underline words and phrases. This helps you direct your readers attention to the most important piece of the post. (for example – the list of tips in this post)
Tip#5 is use subheads INSIDE your post. Most people just write, and write and write and write.. without any breaks.. without anything that can grab your readers attention. Sub-headlines are great because again, skimmers will continue reading if they found a subhead interesting.
Tip#6 is to insert pictures into your blog post. Pictures provide your readers with a visual of what you’re trying to say. (..also an attention grabber)
Tip#7 is to write short paragraphs. I’m afraid of long paragraphs – they just look really looooonnngg.. and when I see them – I run away. Most people are like this, and you’re probably like this too. So, do us all a favor and break up your long paragraphs into short ones.
Trust me, you’re readership will shoot through the roof
Rujukan: SINI